Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year runners! We ended 2007 on a high note with lots of love, support and encouragement from our customers.

SheRuns is really excited about 2008 and have gotten of to an awesome start! We are just back from the Disney World Marathon Weekend--and it was in a word, MAGICAL!

It is always nice to meet new and returning customers! Katie of stopped by with her mom and 3 sisters. The group ran to celebrate a milestone birthday for mom, she turned 65 and completed her first half marathon! Go Katy's mom!

We also met a few women who had completed all 15 marathons--how inspiring, they ROCK!

We'd like to wish you all the best for a happy, healthy, prosperous New Year!

One of our goals for 2008 is to keep you all update with our goings on, tell us what your goals are for 2008...


KatyShops said...

Thanks for the shout out! I am happy to report that all five of us earned our Donald Duck medal for the Disney Half! It was a blast!

Hope to catch up with you at another race!


SheRuns said...

Hey Katy! Congrats to you and your family! We are so glad you guys stopped by to see us.

Where is the next family run? We loved reading about the training and the "stuff" you have listed on katyshops.

Keep us posted on your goings on.