Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Guest Blogger Deborah tells how she went from hate to love

Deborah's story is like so many of the one that we hear from the women we meet at the expos.

I used to hate running. I even talked about it on my radio show today about how in high school, I would try out for the track team just to force myself to like running. Of course, it didn’t work, and I'd just end up quitting because I hated it so much. I even found reasons NOT to run in gym class. I couldn't imagine anyone liking running. I was very into fitness (off and on) but aerobic weight training was really my thing.

It wasn't until about four years ago that I decided I was going to learn to run and LIKE it by golly. I found a training program online that promised to turn me into a 5K runner in only 12 wks. As I laughed, I said, "€œOh yeah, try me," (insert an evil witch laugh here). I vowed to finish the entire 12 week program no matter what, and guess what? I did. I run almost exclusively now and enjoy it greatly.

I also was blessed about that time with our first child after years of infertility tests and failed treatments. Being able to take her with me for a jog in a stroller was going to be much easier than holding her while trying to lift weights and do a grapevine. No matter what I did, I was determined to be a positive influence on her and show her that you can do anything you want . . . even RUNNING!

With all that said, I will say that if I had to classify, I'€™d say I'm more a jogger than a runner, but either way, it's not walking and not aerobics, and it works for me.

Deborah W.

Is your story similar? We want to hear about it.

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